So I’m back to university in a few days which means available game time goes right down. So this is it for my completionist phase, which I didn’t do too well on, but was good to finally put what games I did manage to bed.
Author: deanbowes
My Recommended Android Apps for September
So as I mentioned I have a new Android phone (a HTC Wildfire) and it’s all being rather nifty. And as most of the Apps are free I’ve been grabbing dozens of them and having a play around. Here’s a list of some of my current favourites.
Game Completionist Week…5?
Yes I’ve been a bit lacking on this. But it is not my fault. Peer pressure made me do it! honest! So my main deviance has been that due to a fantastic Steam sale I picked up Borderlands & DLC and in a roundabout manner I got STALKER too. Those didn’t really help in completing the original pile. Also I ended up going back to InFamous for an Evil run through. Which I may write a small about here. But I’m maybe gonna go a bit more in-depth in a post later on either here or PressXorDie.
Game Completionist Week 2
So to continue on from Half Life 2 I’ve nabbed my housemates 360 (as I mentioned in my last post) and raided the house for a ton of PS3 and 360 games. I’m just gonna blast through a ton of games, get them complete and out the way. However for the most part I’m avoiding RPGs, take far too long. But I will work on them after I’ve done this pile of games.
My God The 360 Is A Crappy Console
So I ended up staying up late, got really bored and as I’ve mostly being playing my PC games for a while, specifically multiplayer focused one, I’ve ended up nicking my housemates 360 Elite. What is written beyond this point is going to hurt your sensibilities if you have stocks in MSFT. Or at least act like you do. So beware all who enter.